Multilingual Mini-Glossaries
Words are the most priceless trick of our trade: but words alone do not make the trick! Its the context, the framework, the concept, and the meaning you create with the effective combination of the words you use to transfer that meaning that make the trick!
Below are some resources for you to grow your arsenal of words and learn more about specific terminology.
If you have any other resources that you would like us to list, please email us.
Click here to access the CCHI thematic mini-glossaries by the language: (It’s free! Just sign up with your email.)
Medical terminology in multiple languages:
To find health information in languages other than English, click
Healthy Roads Media provides health information in many languages and multiple formats (printout, audio, web-video, iPod video) at
Health information translations into multiple languages are available at:
This Australian site has health information in multiple languages (keep in mind that the English language in Australia is different than the U.S. English, yet the site is helpful for practicing non-English terminology):
Alternative Medicine
Here is a website that can be useful to you as you research or inquire about non-western health practices:
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Postpartum Beliefs and Practices Among Non-Western Cultures
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Cross Cultural Medicine
Non-Western Medical Systems
What is Complementary and Alternative Medicine?